Baldwin's Books is the official website of Dr. Clinton Baldwin, an acclaimed author whose thought-provoking books lead to a greater understanding of God's word. Our mission is to provide readers with books that challenge and inspire. With a focus on biblical interpretation, Dr. Baldwin's books explore the depths of scripture to reveal new insights and perspectives. Join us on this journey of discovery and growth.
my Books
The Person of Jesus: God's Obligatory Sabbath
A Pessoa de Jesus o Sabado (Portugese language)
Justification by Faith
The Sabbath More Than a Day - a Person
The Journey of the New Testament in Becoming a Book and the Relevance of New Testament Textual Criticism
Methods of Biblical Interpretation Perspectives on Prophecy
The So-Called Mixed Text
Note from the Dr. Baldwin
I became aware that there is no room within the church for challenging the orthodoxy of the church. Thinking is certainly allowed in the Adventist Church, but it is thinking within the Adventist box. One is relatively safe if one’s thinking affirms that which the church already considers to be true. Also, if you have some amount of power and prestige with the church, you may survive for a while, but not for long. Of course, Raymond Cottrell is a stellar exception. While I was within the church, I tried my best to self-censor my public speaking and took a research-oriented approach to issues that were seen as controversial.